Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my beauty marks

I remember being a kid and asking my dad why I had beauty marks. "Because that means you're beautiful in THAT spot!" He told me. "Then why did God cover the beautiful spot with that ugly mark?" I asked him. Ill never forget his answer.

"Don't worry sweetie, one day your lover will kiss every one of those beauty marks," he reassured me. I pondered that for awhile. It was the very first time anyone had ever made me feel good about myself! And it stuck with me until now. I always thought, wow. That's what a lover would do. It helped me know what a real lover is. It helped me to recognize what someone does when they love me. And through the years I could always tell if a guy was using me or if he really loved me.

Ill never consider marrying a man who isn't my lover. And who doesn't love every inch of me. I still haven't had the one who kissed every beauty mark. But I have had the man who embraced and loved the things I am insecure about and made me feel good about them. That's a true lover.

My dad passed away ten years ago, and I miss him like crazy! He was always there for me to love me and listen to me and I could tell him anything. But his words still carry on with me. Thanks daddy!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

impossible to please

I need to talk about something. And I need advice. I am a big-time complainer. I complain on facebook, I complain about the damn radio station playing the same songs over and over, I complain about my stomach hurting in pain because I need surgery, I complain if someone doesn't talk to me, I complain if they don't shut the hell up. I complain if people are rude or if they are fake. I complain if noises or smells bother me. If guys hit on me, if they don't hit on me. I complain about my family not being around, or if they are too much in my business. I complain about work ALL the time. It seems I always have something to complain about morning noon and night. I am just such a miserable person impossible to please! WHY IS THAT??? I just had some amazing sex tonight and I complained later that I was uncomfortable that I was too wet! What is my problem???