Friday, February 4, 2011

NBA guy

He called the office today. Just to ask me out. Wanted to take me out to dinner or lunch. Told me to think about it and gacve me his number. Ugh... I am definitely flattered, no doubt. But scared! He's 6'9"!!! He's way too tall for me.  But I find him intriguing. Honestly, his dick must be massive. I'm scared just thinking about it! Not sure what to do. I have dominican boy who wants to be my boyfriend really badly, married man who is totally in love with me and is mustering up courage to see if he can get a divorce, and the giant!

I thought looking for girls would distract me but I seem to invite drama into my life. Theres always someone coming into my life. Should I complain though? Really? Its a compliment I guess. I am not the most confident person in the world so it does make me feel better about myself. Maybe I'm not the unstylish fat, average girl i think i am. Hmmm....

Anyway I wanted to write the name of the player so you could google him but I'm not sure if I should...
share your thoughts anyway.

nothin else on my mind really...


I enjoy your comments and opinions... don't hold back