How cool it is that we all trust each other on here. We can open up and tell our deepest darkest secrets on blogger with no fear of our readers judging us. Its so freeing.
How sad is it we have to be incognito in fear someone will know the REAL us?
How great of a world would this be if we could all be ourselves and no one would judge us? Although how rampant would our "sins" be?
And I put sins in quotes because I think religion puts GOd in a box. You don't know his plan! You don't know the bigger picture!
Anyway... I pray I can learn to be less judgmental... Especially to those I really love.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
One of Life's Greatest Gifts
Before I begin, I of course had something to say about my Muffin Man which is over in my part time lover blog...
well that's ok, that's you. I know you.
why was this so comforting? Because one of the greatest gifts life has to offer, is someone who truly understands you and knows you. you can trust them. I don't even know who I am, and yet this man took the time to listen to me, understand me, figure me out, learn my past, why I react to things I do, why I say things I say, my talents, my gifts, my personality, my hopes, my desires, my needs, my wants... he KNEW me!
he doesn't judge me,
he doesn't get annoyed with me,
he phrases things so NOT to upset me so I can get the message of what he is saying,
he truly cares...
That is what i need in this life. So desperate for. Someone to KNOW me... of life's greatest gifts.
Monday, October 19, 2009
when your soul mate comes along... it's too late
Today I was talking to a broker and he was telling me about his wife. And like always I tend to get into conversations with married men who have been married for quite a while. What really bothers me and things i question are why people make choices they make in a spouse.
From what I've gathered over the years, is that a man will look for a woman who will make a good wife and mother, and a woman will look for a man who will be a good provider and father for her kids. Why do we feel the need to have a perfect little family anyway?
But the thing that kills me, is that every single FAITHFUL man I have spoken to about this, has told me he lays in bed at night thinking about an ex they dated whom they were passionately in love with but didn't marry her because she didn't fit the "perfect wife" criteria. And the other men? They find women like me. The exciting ones, the passionate ones, the ones who like to LIVE life and experience new things! And girls like me? We end up broken-hearted and alone, because our men will never choose us.
So which is worse??? Being the faithful wife whom my husband lays next to while he thinks about another woman? or being the other woman who lays in bed thinking of her lover she longs to lay next to so desperately?
Being the wife who wakes up and goes about her business and speaks to her husband when necessary? Or being the woman who who wakes up and the first thing on her mind is her lover, and wishes she could wake up and kiss him? make love to him night and day? the one who gets NAUSEOUS at the mere mention of his wife's existence?
Why don't people follow their hearts and wait to get married to the one they were meant to be with?
Instead they think LOGICALLY and when their passionate lover and soul mate comes along... it's too late.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
playing with fire
First of all, i created a new blog to talk about my blazing love affair... anything more on this topic will be in that blog.
I often refer to my love affair as a blazing fire. A fire that just can't be put out. If we are not making love, the energy is used to fight. Sparks are flying every second we're together even if it's through the phone.
It's just not fair that we both have to suffer at the same time. Pain and pleasure. I long to be with him, but if I look down the road, I know he'll never leave his wife. I was the excitement he was looking for as he was bored in his marriage. And he feels like a bad person for living a double life.
What am I going to do? The stronger our feelings get, the more consequences come up...
It all started with him looking for excitement. I agreed to it because he seemed like a genuine sweet person who appeared to be surfaced with love. I take them deep. Very deep. I wanted him to experience just what it means to come out in the deep end and drown in love. At first he was guarded, scared, and resistant. But I am a very persuasive person and urged him to come a little deeper. Am I selfish? I thought I was being unselfish. But I didn't think about the consequences of his life and how this would effect him. I thought about the good, not the bad.
And now we're deep. Deep, deep in it. We tried to end things because of the reality that he's married and staying married. But it didn't work. We couldn't function at work, I was crying all the time, depressed, laying around, wanting to die really, and he couldn't hide his misery from his family... It was a nightmare and I couldn't take it anymore. I was lost without my best friend! A day without speaking to him was like a day without food. You could survive but all you think about all day is your hunger!
So finally he came over. We fought, we talked, we made love... What a surprise.
Back to the beginning again.
And now here we are more in love than before! It gets deeper each day. When we go through something difficult or fight, we seem to come through it stronger!
Isn't this what true love really is?? I believe with all my heart that this is what love should be and was meant to be....
Yet there's a HUGE obstacle in the way! Was this meant to be? Or am I just a selfish sinner?
I believe we were meant to meet each other, but why? Why do we have to go through the pain?
My love for him grows deeper every day... And it really is kind of scary. Where's it going? What will happen to me? To him? I'm so scared of the pain I will be in when I lose him. Oh god this life makes no sense. I always want to experience life and all it has to offer but I just wonder if this will be too much for me.
And I'm torturing him with the same thing.
Its the best love I ever felt;
so peaceful when I look in his eyes,
so happy when I'm near him,
so in love when I kiss him,
butterflies when his lips touch mine,
so hot when his body is pressed up against mine,
so lost in his eyes,
so comforted when he thinks about me....
He teaches me,
loves me,
comforts me,
puts up with me,
understands me...
Even when I make no sense...
He's compassionate,
hard headed...
And I'm crazy about him.
When I asked him why he loves me he had the best answer:
"Because you drive me crazy."
Ditto muffin man!
Can anyone tell me this isn't love???
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
a post this blog was intended for...
There are some nights, like tonight when I pull into my parking lot and have this urge to crash into all the cars parked there. I fantasize that I speed up, crash into one car, back up, slam into the next, and so on until I destroy mine and everyone else's cars!
I don't know why I have these thoughts but it's very often! Once or twice a week! Is it the stress of the day? Deep rooted issues? Suppressed anger? I don't know, but it makes me feel like a crazy person... Is this normal or do I have serious issues?
I don't know why I have these thoughts but it's very often! Once or twice a week! Is it the stress of the day? Deep rooted issues? Suppressed anger? I don't know, but it makes me feel like a crazy person... Is this normal or do I have serious issues?
what its like to work with the one you long for...

Every morning I do the exact same thing. I usually wait til the last possible minute to rush out my door. I grab my heavy purse, lunch bag, and another bag with all my crap that doesn't fit in my purse, and my coffee mug filled with the same coffee- no sugar no milk, just hazelnut coffee mate. Same thing, every morning. I rush out the door with no make up, shove all my stuff in my car, plug in my ipod, that i keep on shuffle so I can "be surprised" when I hear and sing the same songs, and try to drink my coffee before it spills.
About half way to work, I put the mug on the floor, pray it doesn't spill and put my makeup on at each red light. Well, since I am being completely honest here, i do apply foundation and blush while i'm driving... :) I get a red light at the same intersection EVERYTIME and I know I have 5-10 minutes to speed to work. Like clockwork, at this intersection I seem to ALWAYS check my phone hoping that just one of these mornings my muffin man will send me a text, and every morning I get that sunken feeling when I see nothing. Its the hope of things to come that keep me positive about this relationship, I guess.
Speeding into the parking lot, I put my mascara on in the rear view mirror, grab aaaall my stuff, and lastly the coffee mug filled 1/3 of the way with cold coffee. I don't know why I always grab that coffee. It may be an OCD or something.
I scramble through the parking lot hustling because I have 30 seconds to get up the elevator and signed in at my desk. Every day that cold coffee spills on my bag, my sleeve, everywhere.
I throw my stuff on my desk, sign in to ADP, and settle in to start my day. First I clean the coffee off myself and I sign in all my programs on the computer. And then I pull out my agenda for the day and see his name there. I really have no work to do until my brokers come in and give me things to do so I daydream for a little bit. And the cup of coffee never gets finished. It sits for hours until I end up throwing it away. I guess i hold onto things, huh? I usually take my phone out and put it next to me, just in case anyone sends me a message more exciting than my thoughts.
When 9:30 comes around, I know it's the time when my muffin man will be walking in. His path to his office does not pass me so I don't see him. I know he's there but I can't say anything. What I really want to do is run in his office, give him a hug and a kiss and see him smile.
Not only does he try to be discreet about us, he is not a morning person and is NOT too friendly in the morning. So I stay by my desk trying to guess what shirt and tie he has on that day. I picture his face; every wrinkle, every crease, the shape of his mouth, his nose... I can even picture the tiny hairs on his face. I have his face memorized from kissing him all over.
At some point I'll make up a reason, any excuse, if I dont have a valid reason to go to his side of the building, just to get a quick look at him. If I can't think of something to speak to him directly about, I will pass by and wave. Sometimes he barely even looks up at me. He just gives this nonchalant wave. He doesn't even know how I've longed for that one moment of eye contact. One moment to tell me with his eyes, I'm happy to see you too. I don't know why he's like that. I shouldn't take it personally but its so complicated when you work together!
Some days we start emailing early, other days nothing at all, but usually by 11:00 I do have a reason to talk to him. I go in his office and I am hit with his smell. Its so intoxicating. Just the smell of his skin, his body... No cologne. Just him. I have to consciously focus on what I had to say. He gets annoyed sometimes when I don't get right to the point.
And then he starts talking. I can't hear a word he's saying. All I see is his lips that I crave to kiss and his face I long to touch. I breathe in his smell and it takes me away. As long as he doesn't make eye contact, I can handle it.
Usually he keeps it all business, and I walk out feeling like I am missing a part of me. When he connects with me, I feel whole.
Sometimes, when I go in there with the feeling of disappointment, for whatever reason, whether he didn't text me back the night before, or I knew he was with his wife, or he didn't look at me and say good morning, or he didn't ask me how I'm doing... It inevitably causes an argument. He gets frustrated, I start to cry, we get angry... And yet all I can think about is how I want to climb on his lap, kiss him, and rip his clothes off. The emotions between us are like a burning fire...
He makes me hot all day. Its so hard to concentrate. Thank god he is on the other side.
And again I ask why? Why does he have to be married? Why can't I be with the one I long for? Crave? Thirst for?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
last night's dream
Last night I fell asleep bbm-ing with my muffin man. He was at a concert and talked to me for quite a while. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. My dreams started out with me and the muffster, havin a great time. Being together, in different places, different times... I do believe with all my heart that his is my soul mate. As does he.
Then I was tossing and turning, waking up, sweating, and I remember waking up to a dream about someone redecorating my bedroom... And there were a few dreams in between but I woke up again, to a dream of the abortion I had. And today I struggled all day tryong not to regret it. But I still think I did the wrong thing. I don't think I was supposed to do that. I think I was meant to have him. And I know it was a boy. My son. I killed. I am so upset about this. And again I have to "stay strong."
Then I was tossing and turning, waking up, sweating, and I remember waking up to a dream about someone redecorating my bedroom... And there were a few dreams in between but I woke up again, to a dream of the abortion I had. And today I struggled all day tryong not to regret it. But I still think I did the wrong thing. I don't think I was supposed to do that. I think I was meant to have him. And I know it was a boy. My son. I killed. I am so upset about this. And again I have to "stay strong."
Friday, October 9, 2009

it's so sad that i can't be myself to anyone in my life! "friends," family, coworkers (they are the worst! total back stabbers!) i really have no one to talk to. well, except my "boyfriend" the married one.
have i mentioned i am completely in love?
does anyone else feel this way? or am i the only pathetic loser in the world?
update on my married man, whom I call "muffin man"

It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash it away.
I am sooooo in love with this man. I look into his eyes and see cities! So hrd to explain but I can feel him, smell him, sense him, taste him.... When he isn't even near me.
I get lost in his eyes and travel to this place that I know from another dimension or maybe it's a time yet to come.I can't live without him, nor do I want to! I feel peace with him even when we fight.
The passion is so electrifying we hate each other one minute, and the next we are kissing each other with kisses from the depths of our souls.
I just want to be with him and I can't. Why does he have to be married? And STAY married?? This is why I look to escape life. I hate it. And ironically my escape is with him!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
food for thought
Yesterday I had a conversation with a broker. He said "when we were kids that was living. No worries, no fear... And when we grow up its like we're in survival mode!" And then I asked, "what happens when we're in survival mode as kids?" And his response was "those are the people who can't function in life"
Sadly, this is me. And my entire family. Maybe we can function, but we are dysfunctional and totally "F-ed up"
Sadly, this is me. And my entire family. Maybe we can function, but we are dysfunctional and totally "F-ed up"
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
women coworkers suck
Why do women have to RUN and tell another woman every little thing that pisses them off? Women these days really fuck up the work environment!
oct 6th 2009 shady coworkers
So there's a broker here who comes into work at 7:45/8:00am and leaves by 10:30 every day. Once a week he comes back around 2:00. His assistant covers up for him all day every day so he'll continue to pay her extra money. We call him "Mr. Appointment" he tells us he has all these appointments but we all ask... With who? Michele? Amy? Nicole? How many girls is he cheating on his wife with?? She thinks he's in the city all day or in meetings. She has no clue that our company does not do that!
Unbelievable how shady people are!
Unbelievable how shady people are!
Monday, October 5, 2009
monday... new week new month same shit
To start off you should know... I am in love with my broker who is married and I cannot be with him. Therefor my heart is torn. We've been FIGHTING for days now! But I had to "keep it together" and treat him as I would any other broker I work for. That lasted until about 12, when I couldn't take his childish silent treatment anymore. I wanted to just scream at him right there in front of everyone and say "I have the right to feel the way I feel and you make me feel like a horrible human being for feeling that way!!"
Then I realized, my thoughts for him change like the friggin waves change the water. I have so many thoughts and feelings that I'm all over the place! I feel like a crazy person!!
Then I remembered a quote. The symptoms of falling in love are the same as mental illness.
There's somethin to think about!!
I'm crazy!!! crazy in love!
Then I realized, my thoughts for him change like the friggin waves change the water. I have so many thoughts and feelings that I'm all over the place! I feel like a crazy person!!
Then I remembered a quote. The symptoms of falling in love are the same as mental illness.
There's somethin to think about!!
I'm crazy!!! crazy in love!
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