Saturday, December 19, 2009

Past lives

Today i was remembering a question someone asked me once.  What do you think you were in a past life?  At the time, I didn't believe in past lives.  But for the past few years I have had some amazing experiences which, to me, have proved they are indeed a possibility.  I read some books on it and learned that if you have a burning desire to live somewhere you may have lived there in a past life.  If you played certain games as a child, you may have done that in a past life.  and so on and so forth. My first thought was "i must have worked in a brothel.  I have a strange fascination for them." then i thought maybe i danced in the moulin rouge because I was always a dancer at heart but there was always something sexual mixed in.  I also have a strong desire and passion for France. Now i believe I lived there centuries ago.  I had a vision of it in a meditation class where we were brought back to our past lives. The second vision I had was me in the 1800's.  I met a man I was passionately in love with. I saw his eyes and saw my soul mate was him. Then I saw myself at the end of that life, sitting on a bed in white undergarments with a very sad heart.  When I woke up, I was trying to complete the story of what I saw. I assumed I was sad because my lover had passed away and I was lonely. I also had a dream one time as I fell asleep meditating and following guidelines on how to experience and relive a past life experience.  I saw myself in my dream and again I was in the 1800's in a dress and I remember chasing after my lover who left.  I remember walking around lost looking for him. I remember the love I had for him was like the love I feel today. I just remember feeling this deep loss and abandonment. Emptiness. I saw sadness and innocence in my eyes.

Since speaking to psychics in the past year, every single one of them confirmed to me that I lived in the 1800's and that my present lover (the muffin man) was my lover in that life.  And I couldnt be with him because he was married. They said we came into this life to be together again but guess what.  Hes married... AGAIN! My soul is the same way... innocent and sad. I am so completely in love with him and I truly believe we are meant to be togehter. I dont wanna go two lifetimes losing my soul mate.


  1. Since matter cannot be destroyed, and seeing as how you're made up of matter, I'd imagined you've lived more than your share of lifetimes. Now what you choose to do with the one you currently have, well, that's up to you.

  2. if you are soul mates, it will happen...

  3. what if its true i lost him in a past life? i can lose him again.

  4. Its not uncommon for people to repeat things in past lives. The way I see it is your given an opertunity each time to reach a 'better' conclusion. If you truely are meant to be together I dont think there is anything you could do and its really up to him to make the choice this time round.

  5. Don't you ever think that maybe you're given another chance in this life to actually be at peace ? Perhaps take care of unfinished business with your lover ? And then move on ?

    Maybe you two aren't meant to be together. Otherwise it would've happened already. You can't make him leave his wife. And this is obviously bothering you. Is this all worth it ?


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