Monday, December 21, 2009

Selfish Selfish Selfish

why is it that if I send out an email to everyone in the office for a lottery pool, I can collect $200 in a matter of 10 minutes, but if I ask for food for the food pantry at work, or donations for needy kids, I have to scrounge together $5 here, $5 there? it makes me SO sad. there are 1000's of kids who wont get anything for Christmas but you can guarantee the "tight wads" will spoil their families with loads of unnecessary gifts.

I cant stand it.  I work in the most selfish industry i have ever seen!


  1. No I just think lots of people have this idea that the world revolves around "I" rather than "us"...sad but true

  2. Yes, people's sense of values is fucked up.


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